1. November election: No, not what you think! NE IACRN is having its own election in November! Open positions are for Treasurer, Secretary, Member at Large (2 positions). For more information, or to serve on the nominating committee, please contact Andrea at bostoniacrn@gmail.com.
2. Dues are due: Time for dues! Our yearly membership fee is still the best deal in town at $25. Go to https://bostoniacrn.wixsite.com/bostoniacrn for more information.
3. IACRN Annual Conference: It’s not too late to sign up for this year’s conference. What better way to celebrate The Year Of The Nurse than virtually communing with Research Nurses from around the world. The conference is completely virtual this year. Visit www.IACRN.org to register to today!
4. Next Chapter Meeting: Our next meeting is November 5th. Join us virtually for presentations from local IACRN members! Watch for details on the website: https://bostoniacrn.wixsite.com/bostoniacrn .
Thanks everyone!